Someone stole my MOJO!

I’m having a very omg-what’s-going-on-woe-is-me / sorry-for-myself afternoon today, so look out cos if you keep reading, you’re officially my unpaid therapists 😉

Mindful that I never post any more, I am unsure quite why I don’t post, other than being a lazy tart and perhaps having no decent material, to be fair.

My  life has changed SO much in recent times .. and mostly in a good way, I have to say! The last year and a bit has been one of good but massive change however, my love life continues to be a complete screw up. (Nice to know some things never change huh!)

I’ve meandered between “I don’t care, I’m happy as I am” to “omg I wanna find a mate and be one half of something neat” to (today) “I have got to give up on this shit, I am clearly useless at relationships so why keep trying?”

Cos let’s face it, if I was as shit at ice skating as I am dating – I’d quit. If I was as rubbish at sky diving, I’d hopefully have a chance to say “no more!”

But with dating, omg there’s so much potential to just go on and on and on (cue Celine Dion / Titanic musack!)
And look how THAT worked out!??!

The thing is .. I am not at all unhappy. I am thrilled with where I am in life. Other than getting older (sigh) I am happy. But I DO find myself occasionally thinking “what would it be like to have someone around whom I adore?” Other than my dogs, that is 😉

So this explains why  I have had a variety of date disasters recently. (This whole “I feel like I need something else” bollocks thing being blamed!) but I am unsure any are blog-worthy, they’re just sad stories lol

I might go into details on that at some point, but I guess I kind of just wanted to touch base with anyone who still bothers to check in here and say hey, I’m alive, I’m quite happy but still single and (you can thank me now for being constant in that!) if I had anything more interesting than “meh this dating thing bites” I would write it, honest!

Dating disaster # ..ungh, I’ve lost count!

I’m fully qualified to receive this award after a slightly weird experience that involves online dating and me (recipe for disaster, I know I know!) 😉

Last weekend I met someone online and to say we hit it off is an understatement! We talked crap all weekend long via emails – twas not my most productive weekend ever .. thank goodness for wintry weather 😉

It just seemed that everything about us was “right”, we were interested in the same things, had similar experiences, were kind of in the same place in life .. we even had a similar fear of children and spiders!

Anyway, we exchanged telephone numbers when I had to go out, and kept in contact via texts..

This is where the dumbassery comes into it – cos I didn’t even realise it at this point: we’d not swapped pics. Which is one of those “MUST DO” things when doing online dating, in my experience!

So, the texts and emails continued all through the week and I was – I admit – thinking ‘wow’ something neat could be about to happen here .. So I wasn’t surprised on Thursday afternoon when he asked me to go out for a drink with him..

Unfortunately, I was in another town with work so had to say no (spur of the moment and me? Not a good blend!) however we got to a point in the conversation (about how would we know which person to approach in a bar) where it dawned on HIM that we’d not swapped pics so we agreed to send each other one when we got to our respective homes that evening.

He actually beat me to it and sent through 3 pics while I was travelling . And ya see, well.. this is where it gets awkward.. Cos he was buuuu-uuuut ugly!

Okay that’s unkind .. But he wasn’t my usual cup of java .. and so it was that I found myself on an hour long flight thinking “well what does it matter if he’s got facial hair? He makes you laugh and he’s super intelligent, don’t be so petty” etc ..

Which as an aside – irks me because sez who it is petty to like certain things!? I have a preference for clean shaven. He was very whiskery. Nuff said.

BUT I found myself thinking I could try and adapt.. He also had a big nose and I suspect greasy hair but hey I have my faults and I kept circling back to the fun we’d had chatting .. looks aren’t everything blah blah blah..

And so it was that I got home and sent him a pic thinking to myself: “I will give this a go!”

Yeah well clearly I wasn’t HIS usual cup of java cos he told me (a few minutes after I sent the pic) that he felt I was not really his type and I’ve not heard from him since.. Now if you will excuse me, I’m off to book in for plastic surgery ..

OK I jest. About the last line, but the one before it happened. He’s totally disappeared on me! LOL

And this next bit gives you an insight into how warped my mind is: It’s really bugged me that he’s done this! I think partly it’s cos I don’t know why he did it. I HATE not knowing things but also I feel a little aggrieved that he didn’t like me.. Cos *I* was prepared to try and get over my personal preference.. yet he clearly can’t get over whatever it was he didn’t like about my pic!

Ah well, chalk it up to yet another dating disaster (or chatting disaster, since we never actually met in person!) meantime I hope his whiskers catch fire next time he lights up his BBQ!

Seems it doesn’t matter where we live

Romance (or the lack thereof!) speaks to us wherever we are. Today my top hits were from:

United States




New Zealand

Yesterday,  I was popular in:

Country Views
United States FlagUnited States 3
Lebanon FlagLebanon 3
Canada FlagCanada 1
Australia FlagAustralia 1
India FlagIndia 1
Nice to know that having no bloody idea how to have a relationship is a world-wide thing 😉

Old blogs don’t die, they just .. what DO they do?

If you don’t write in your blog often, should you delete it? What’s the protocol, is there one?? 


Swinging (Yet another dating disaster!)

I thought it was time to run another series of dating disasters because let’s face it: I’ve had my share! Not all my dates have been duds, so don’t despair! It’s fair to say that some test my faith (and sense of humour!) however it can’t be all bad – cos I keep doing it 😉

This particular date night was one I have tried hard to stash in the darkest recesses of my mind, it was such a shocker .. substance abuse, alcohol and stupidity = bad blend. I only admit to two of the 3 😉

We met through a friend of a friend at a BBQ, many years ago now. He was elegantly beautiful. Sort of movie star meets businessman. I have a thing for pretty I am told. Well, he was picture perfect. Or so it seemed!

Not only was he educated, funny and smelt amazing – he seemed smitten with me and who doesn’t like when that happens? He was attentive, witty and we had a lot of laughs at our very first meeting. From there, he did everything right..

Got my address off our mutual friend and sent flowers to say he’d loved meeting me (swoon!) then there were phone calls, long lazy ones where we shared lots – he invested a lot of time in his pursuit, I will give him that.

There was also meals and drinks out .. parties attended, movies, ice skating – I really thought I had met a winner. And everyone said we looked good together, it just felt..


After about 6 weeks of this perfection, he said we had yet another party invite and was I interested. I’d have gone to the opening of a phone book with him had he asked, so a party was never an issue.  I set to glamming myself up – this was a new crowd mostly people I’d not yet met, so he said. Thus I wanted to impress. Sexy lil black dress. Heels .. the usual.

He picked me up (said I looked gorgeous – we liked him more with every meeting!) and we headed into a suburb that was affluent and picturesque – I recall now, I was impressed with the people he hung out with. He seemed very well connected .. I was in my late 20s and these things seem to matter at that age .. or they did to me anyway ..

Upon arrival we were plied with hugs, air kisses and – oddly (although not so much in hindsight!) I had my face stroked by one of the women who was at the door.. I wrote it off as a person who was overly touchy feely, we all know (and avoid!!) one, after all!

We were then told to help ourselves to drinks and boy were they generous hosts!

Didn’t seem to matter what one wanted, it was all there. Including aforementioned drugs.. It was like something out of a movie. I confess to being reasonably naive in my younger days so this display kind of freaked me out but I was trying my best to be all handle it and hang with the cool kids.

I also glued myself to Mr perfect’s side.
For all the good it did me!

Mr Perfect set to introducing me to everyone. And gosh but they were friendly. I lost count of the kisses and gropes I had! For all I like to be part of a crowd, I do recall it was a little .. odd.

About the time I was feeling super uber everything is about when it all started to unravel lol

As I said, I was glued to Mr Perfect’s side .. but the bastard unglued me and disappeared, leaving me in the (literally!) clutches of a very hot but … well, a lot older and OH YEAH FEMALE guest at the party.

Initially, she had done the whole “you’re new to this crowd, why don’t I introduce you” thing. And it was nice to view a friendly face amid the new ones .. not gonna lie there. Not the least cos I’d been ditched by MrBeautifullyperfect (sigh) ..

Then there was the moment I found her hand on my ass.
And her husband attached to hers .. whilst eyeing up mine ..

Should I go on, or do you get the picture?

Suffice to say, Mr Perfect and I – not s’much a happening thing from thereonin 😉

Cougars vs. Girls

I know the difference now! I finally worked it out, an hour or so ago! So exciting! Yes, I know .. I need to get out more!

I think we need to make a sign that goes:

Take a woman to McDonalds and you’ll have a happy time.
Take a girl to McDonalds and you’ll need a new girlfriend.
By all means, get a happy meal on your way out .. alone..

So you will possibly remember that last year I had a profile on a dating website. And I recently started chatting with a very charming man. A Doctor, no less. From England. Everything was looking frightfully proper .. he gave good email,  heck he even phoned me! And he was quite different to the men I tended to go for. Long story but I think we do tend to meet people through work, but since I aint no quack – that was not happening here!

Anyhoo. For us there were long chats. Ascertaining info about each other. Basically, I set to figuring him out before meeting .. this is the downside to online, I think. You kind of judge before even meeting.. anyway .. things came to a head when I cocked up  .. I know, I know! I SHOULD know better ..

But I had to ask!

Why – when you’re sexy as all hell (and oh my, but he is sex on two legs if his pics and skype is anything to go by!) well educated and only aged 29 – would you want to spend time with a woman of my vintage?  Why not spend it with young girls, peers. Friends – whatever. Why even show the slightest interest in an old girl, such as me?

He barely hesitated (and this is what hit me) before saying:

“I find older women more interesting, they’ve done more and they’re just so much .. (he threw in a few adjectives but I’ve chosen to hang onto one!) simpler”
Is it just me or did he just describe a 9yr old labrador?

Ah well, whatever ..  the upshot is we’re going out for drinks next week (our first f2f meeting) but I can’t help myself from wondering is it just because he hopes to avoid the marriage, babies and white picket fence crap that girls seem to want (I know I did, at a much younger age) and hopes for a quick fuck or is it cos he’s kind of into me?

We shall see!

Speaking of what we shall see – I cannot for the life of me see an old lady???

First, I am going to complain

a liddle. I go awol for a few days (ish) and fk me I can’t find anything on this site. What the hell is with the reader? It is so hard to work out who’s posted what 😦

OK rant over (I know, unusually short for me) but OMG GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (better?) 

Happy Easter ya’ll

PS I lied, it was mostly work, not shagging that kept me from you. I’m sorry ………… I’m a bad person! I know!

I guess we all have the work thing to take us from our daily blogging? (Yes, I am trying to make myself feel better heh) As a sole income person it is something I am always mindful of. And of course – – this could be one of many reasons why I remain single — my work matters to me — I love what I do (for the most part) so it tends to take precedence and ohhhh that is why I can’t keep a man? 😉

Anyway, whatever .. Happy Easter everyone, I hope it is fun and chocolate filled (in whatever qtys that matter to you!)

Hope to keep in touch more over the coming months!


Work, sex & life. Howzat work?!

Relationships are hard work. I like hard work. Where the $#@! am I going wrong?
Hello everyone, if you still bother to check in now and then it’s nice to see you .. if you don’t – well… you’re dead to me hmpfh!!

You’d also be forgiven for thinking I’m dead to you since it’s been forever (and a bit!) since I posted.

I have an excuse tho!!!

For a few weeks I was busy shagging.
Met a fab man and it was fun fun fun…

Then I was busy working.

No more shagging *grumble*


Dear WordPress

your changes of late suck! 


Edward Hotspur & Bands No One has heard Of

So when I was asked to participate in this birthday surprise I was probably the first person to reply back to the initiator and go “YAY I like birthdays, but what do you mean, I don’t understand what to do, help me, I don’t get it, wah wah wah.. ”

He’s since explained it all to me (and I still don’t get it, really) but I have managed to work out when 8am EST is and I am gonna try my best to keep up with the cool kids by posting on my allotted theme of:  Bands No One has heard Of

Now anyone who knows me knows I don’t do music.

Yes, I have no life but whatever .. this is not about me, it’s about someone else.

In the interests of doing a good job of this, I Googled ‘little known music’ today at the office ..  To promptly presented with roughly 34785697 pages of information about less-than-mainstream bands.

I can honestly say I’ve never heard of any of them. On the other, our birthday boy, Ed, (who is terribly cool) will doubtless know them all.

But I digress. As I sifted thru the long list of bands no one knows of, I was chuckling away reading some of their bios and listening to their songs. Some I  can see why they are unknown and think they really ought stay that way. Others, well .. they were interesting *sheepish grin* I did find as I trawled thru them all that my list contained some amusing names so I thought I would try and cluster them logically.

Eventually, I realised this would give you all too much insight into the dodgy way my mind works and so I stopped and here they are at random. ish .. 😉

PS the ones not hyperlinked are because when I attempted to open anything on the web with that name I got blocked (and probably black listed with the IS department to boot!)

Rabbit Junk.
Kidney Thieves
Bright Eyes

Team Sleep
In the Mausoleum

No Bra
Holy Fuck


The Sound of Animals Fighting

Burning Brides

Revolting Cocks
Very Massive
The Cramps

Beat The Donkey
Choking Susan
Covered In Bees.

No Means No
And So I Watch You From Afar:

Now you choose: will Edward respond with a Run On Sentence or an Inappropriate Pun?

Advice to (a younger) me

Advice to (a younger) me. I loved re-reading this, hope you will too 🙂

Yule be right, mate

It’s Christmas morning here in New Zealand. And as I sit here enjoying my morning coffee, having done a few chores and taken the dog for a walk .. I find myself pondering “Peace on earth” and all the other sayings trotted out at this time of year.

I think really, it isn’t peace on earth we should all strive for. It’s peace within. If we attain that – we’re winning.

A short time ago I was reading overnight texts, emails & facebook updates. Everyone is posting gorgeous pics of kids and trees and gifts and the like. I have no tree, no xmas decos, nothing to say it’s Xmas here in the way of decorations. There’s other history behind why Xmas is of little joy to me, not appropriate for this blog.

However, I have to admit for the first time in a few years: I feel at peace this Christmas.
And it’s nice.

Happy Christmas to you. Where-ever you are and however you celebrate this date: I hope it is safe, relaxing and enjoyable.

PS Why the title? A fave kiwi saying is “she’ll be right, mate” It seemed apt to Xmas-it-up a bit!


The Hobbit

totally off topic, but I have decided I MAY just mix it up a little this next few months, sorry! I was lucky enough to go to the Hobbit première here in New Zealand.. Had to pull a few strings but it was worth the chance to rock the lil black dress on the long red carpet.


Have to say, I loved loved loved the LOTR movies (And not just cos I was dating one of the orks at the time) but for all I enjoyed the hobbit I did find it a little surreal and (I could get kicked out of NZ for this!) a little too long for my taste.

So yeah anyway, what’s your fave movie of 2012?

The end is nigh

So my last post was a tiny bit depressing, as I digested the news that I was destined to be single for a rather long time to come. However, some time has since elapsed and I am now accustomed to this notion vs. being somewhat bemused, confused and pissed off about it 😉

Instead of becoming too depressed, I have opted to change a few things that are within my control. And it feels kinda good, I must say!

Including pushing the lovely but (seemingly) out of grasp Mr fabulous into a safe place (for me) where he no longer features as “important”, instead he’s in the corner with other “so damn hot and want him to bits but don’t like the baggage he comes with” types.

He’s overseas – as always. And we do talk, albeit occasionally. And almost always on his terms. And for all I want you to all think I am in control i.e,: I’m “the man”, I’m a complete wuss and whilst his terms suck – oh how I love to hear from him 😦

Perhaps the most human and sad bit of this post which is really just intended to be an update not something to make you all wanna come cuddle me and make me feel better (for all I wouldn’t say no to that lol)

ANYWAY the real reason for this post was to say hi, touch base and wish you all a very relaxed and happy Xmas (assuming the Mayan’s are wrong, of course!) and to say “watch this space” cos by heck there’s some new stuff going down in my world in the new year and who the heck knows what it will bring but as I sink into my 3rd champagne here in 88 deg (F) heat, I wanna say “Bring it!”

And soon, I hope to be ready for whatever “it” brings 😉

How about you?

Are you ready for Xmas?
And the new year?

I look forward to hearing from you all and keeping in touch ~ way better than I have done til now. Below is a pic of the NZ Christmas tree. It’s found on many beaches .. it may not be Christmassy to you but to us it so totally symbolises Xmas in this sunny hemisphere come December 🙂

Merry Christmas, my friends. My wish for you is happiness in silly quantities and I look fwd to hearing about the pursuit of and/or realisation of it xo